author:headsen chen 2017-10-19 10:12:12
1.用Shell编程,判断一文件是不是字符设备文件,如果是将其拷贝到 /dev 目录下。
FILENAME= echo “Input file name:” read FILENAME if [ -c "$FILENAME" ] then cp $FILENAME /dev fi 2.设计一个shell程序,添加一个新组为class1,然后添加属于这个组的30个用户,用户名的形式为stdxx,其中xx从01到30。vim #!/bin/sh i=1 groupadd class1 while [ $i -le 30 ] do if [ $i -le 9 ] ;then USERNAME=stu0${i} else USERNAME=stu${i} fi useradd $USERNAME mkdir /home/$USERNAME chown -R $USERNAME /home/$USERNAME chgrp -R class1 /home/$USERNAME i=$(($i+1)) done我自己写的脚本:
#!/bin/bash# Author chen# Date 2017-07-31# Description:this is a user add scriptsfor i in `seq 30`
do if [ $i -le 9 ] then useradd chen0$i usermod -a -G class1 chen0$i else useradd chen$i usermod -a -G class1 chen$i fidone ...............................................................................补充:awk中加条件表达式,用if()这种格式,NF 表示这一行的字符数[root@paris ~]# echo -e "abc\n\ndd" |awk '{if ( NF != 0 ) print $0}'
abcdd.............................................................................. 3.编写shell程序,实现自动删除50个账号的功能。账号名为stud1至stud50。#!/bin/sh i=1 while [ $i -le 50 ] do userdel -r stud${i} i=$(($i+1 )) done我自己写的脚本
for i in `seq 50`do userdel -r stud$idone
(1)在下午4 :50删除/abc目录下的全部子目录和全部文件;(2)从早8:00~下午6:00每小时读取/xyz目录下x1文件中每行第一个域的全部数据加入到/backup目录下的bak01.txt文件内;(3)每逢星期一下午5:50将/data目录下的所有目录和文件归档并压缩为文件:backup.tar.gz;(4)在下午5:55将IDE接口的CD-ROM卸载(假设:CD-ROM的设备名为hdc);(5)在早晨8:00前开机后启动。 解决方案:(1)用vi创建编辑一个名为prgx的crontab文件;(2)prgx文件的内容:50 16 * * * rm -r /abc/*
0 8-18/1 * * * cut -f1 /xyz/x1 >;>; /backup/bak01.txt 50 17 * * * tar zcvf backup.tar.gz /data 55 17 * * * umount /dev/hdc (3)由超级用户登录,用crontab执行 prgx文件中的内容:root@xxx:#crontab prgx;在每日早晨8:00之前开机后即可自动启动crontab。我做的:
[root@paris b]# crontab -e50 4 * * * sh /tmp/b/ >/dev/null 2>&10 8-16 * * * sh /tmp/b/ >/dev/null 2>&150 5 * * 1 sh /tmp/b/ >/dev/null 2>&155 5 * * * sh /tmp/b/ >/dev/null 2>&100 8 * * * sh /tmp/b/ >/dev/null 2>&1rm -rf /abc/*
cut -f1 /xyz/x1 >>/backup/data01.txttar -zvcf backup.tar.gz /data/*umount /dev/hdcservice crond restart
DIRNAME=`ls /root | grep bak` if [ -z "$DIRNAME" ] ; then mkdir /root/bak cd /root/bak fi YY=`date +%y` MM=`date +%m` DD=`date +%d` BACKETC=$YY$MM$DD_etc.tar.gz tar zcvf $BACKETC /etc echo “fileback finished!” (2)编写任务定时器:echo “0 0 1 * * /bin/sh /usr/bin/fileback” >; /root/etcbakcron
crontab /root/etcbakcron 或使用crontab -e 命令添加定时任务: 0 1 * * * /bin/sh /usr/bin/fileback --------------------注意:用/bin/sh 而不是sh6.有一普通用户想在每周日凌晨零点零分定期备份/user/backup到/tmp目录下,该用户应如何做?
(1)第一种方法:用户应使用crontab –e 命令创建crontab文件。格式如下:
0 0 * * sun cp –r /user/backup /tmp (2)第二种方法:用户先在自己目录下新建文件file,文件内容如下:0 * * sun cp –r /user/backup /tmp
然后执行 crontab file 使生效。7.设计一个Shell程序,在/userdata目录下建立50个目录,即user1~user50,并设置每个目录的权限,其中其他用户的权限为:读;文件所有者的权限为:读、写、执行;文件所有者所在组的权限为:读、执行。 建立程序 Pro16如下:#!/bin/sh
i=1 while [ i -le 50 ] do if [ -d /userdata ];then mkdir -p /userdata/user$i chmod -R 754 /userdata/user$i =-------------------必需加上-R 参数,否则目录权限为755echo “user$i” let “i = i + 1″ (或i=$(($i+1)) else mkdir /userdata mkdir -p /userdata/user$i chmod 754 /userdata/user$i echo “user$i” let “i = i + 1″ (或i=$(($i+1)) fi done我自己做的:
#!/bin/bashfor i in `seq 50`do mkdir -p /userdata/user$i chmod -R 754 /userdata/$1done8、mysql备份实例,自动备份mysql,并删除30天前的备份文件
#auto backup mysql #wugk 2012-07-14 #PATH DEFINE BAKDIR=/data/backup/mysql/`date +%Y-%m-%d` MYSQLDB=www MYSQLPW=backup MYSQLUSR=backup if[ $UID -ne 0 ];then echo This script must use administrator or root user ,please exit! sleep 2 exit 0 fi if[ ! -d $BAKDIR ];then mkdir -p $BAKDIR else echo This is $BAKDIR exists ,please exit …. sleep 2 exit fi ###mysqldump backup mysql /usr/bin/mysqldump -u$MYSQLUSR -p$MYSQLPW -d $MYSQLDB >/data/backup/mysql/`date +%Y-%m-%d`/www_db.sql cd $BAKDIR ; tar -czf www_mysql_db.tar.gz *.sql cd $BAKDIR ;find . -name “*.sql” |xargs rm -rf[ $? -eq 0 ]&&echo “This `date +%Y-%m-%d` RESIN BACKUP is SUCCESS” cd /data/backup/mysql/ ;find . -mtime +30 |xargs rm -rf 9、自动安装Nginx脚本,采用case方式,选择方式,也可以根据实际需求改成自己想要的脚本#!/bin/sh
###nginx install shell ###wugk 2012-07-14 ###PATH DEFINE SOFT_PATH=/data/soft/ NGINX_FILE=nginx-1.2.0.tar.gz DOWN_PATH= if[ $UID -ne 0 ];then echo This script must use administrator or root user ,please exit! sleep 2 exit 0 fi if[ ! -d $SOFT_PATH ];then mkdir -p $SOFT_PATH fi download () { cd $SOFT_PATH ;wget $DOWN_PATH/$NGINX_FILE } install () { yum install pcre-devel -y cd $SOFT_PATH ;tar xzf $NGINX_FILE ;cd nginx-1.2.0/ &&./configure –prefix=/usr/local/nginx/ –with-http_stub_status_module –with-http_ssl_module [ $? -eq 0 ]&&make &&make install } start () { lsof -i :80[ $? -ne 0 ]&&/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx } stop () { ps -ef |grep nginx |grep -v grep |awk ‘{print $2}’|xargs kill -9 } exit () { echo $? ;exit } ###case menu ##### case $1 in download ) download ;; install ) install ;; start ) start ;; stop ) stop ;; * ) echo “USAGE:$0 {download or install or start or stop}” exit esac 10、批量解压tar脚本,批量解压zip并且建立当前目录。#!/bin/sh
PATH1=/tmp/images PATH2=/usr/www/images for i in `ls ${PATH1}/*` do tar xvf $i -C $PATH2 done 这个脚本是针对所有tar文件在一个目录,但是实际情况中,有可能在下级或者更深的目录,我们可以使用find查找#!/bin/sh
PATH1=/tmp/images PATH2=/usr/www/images for i in `find $PATH1 -name ”*.tar” ` do tar xvf $i -C $PATH2 done 如何是zip文件,例如 等等批量文件,默认unzip直接解压不带自身目录,意思是解压123189.zip完当前目录就是图片,不能创建123189目录下并解压,可以用shell脚本实现#!/bin/sh
PATH1=/tmp/images PATH2=/usr/www/images cd $PATH1 for i in `find . -name ”*.zip”|awk -F. {print $2} ` do mkdir -p PATH2$i unzip -o .$ -d PATH2$i donessh 批量上传文件
一,scp上传不要输入密码如果要用scp来上传文件,第一步就要去掉scp上传时要输入密码。要不然就没办法批量上传了。具体请参考:ssh 不用输入密码二,ssh批量上传脚本1,要上传的文件列表放到一个test文件中root@ubuntu:/home/zhangy# cat test
/home/zhangy/test/aaa /home/zhangy/test/nginx.conf /home/zhangy/test/test.sql /home/zhangy/test/pa.txt /home/zhangy/test/password 上面就要上传的文件。2,批量上传的脚本vim!/bin/sh
DATE=`date +%Y_%m_%d_%H` if [ $1 ] then for file in $(sed '/^$/d' $1) //去掉空行 do if [ -f $file ] //普通文件 then res=`scp $file $2:$file` //上传文件 if [ -z $res ] //上传成功 then echo $file >> ${DATE}_upload.log //上传成功的日志 fi elif [ -d $file ] //目录 then res=`scp -r $file $2:$file` if [ -z $res ] then echo $file >> ${DATE}_upload.log fi fi done else echo "no file" >> ${DATE}_error.log fi 上传成功后,返回的是一个空行,上传不成功,什么都不返回3,上传的格式./ test
test是上传列表文件,文件要传到的地方。0 1. 转换文件大小写:A script to convert the specified filenames to lower case.#!/bin/sh
# lowerit # convert all file names in the current directory to lower case # only operates on plain files--does not change the name of directories # will ask for verification before overwriting an existing file for x in `ls` do if [ ! -f $x ]; then continue fi lc=`echo $x | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'` if [ $lc != $x ]; then mv -i $x $lc fi done orif test $# = 0
then echo "Usage $0: <files>" 1>&2 exit 1 fi for filename in "$@" do new_filename=`echo "$filename" | tr A-Z a-z` test "$filename" = "$new_filename" && continue if test -r "$new_filename" then echo "$0: $new_filename exists" 1>&2 elif test -e "$filename" then mv "$filename" "$new_filename" else echo "$0: $filename not found" 1>&2 fi done 2. 看网站 Watch a WebsiteA script to repeated download a webpage until it matches a regex then notify an e-mail address.For example to get e-mail when Kesha tickets (not for yourself of course) go on sale you might run:% 'Ke[sS$]+ha' repeat_seconds=300 #check every 5 minutes if test $# = 3 then url=$1 regexp=$2 email_address=$3 else echo "Usage: $0 <url> <regex>" 1>&2 exit 1 fi while true do if wget -O- -q "$url"|egrep "$regexp" >/dev/null then echo "Generated by $0" | mail -s "$url now matches $regexp" $email_address exit 0 fi sleep $repeat_seconds done 3. 转GIF到PNG convert GIF files to PNGThis scripts converts GIF files to PNG files via the intermediate PPM format.if [ $# -eq 0 ]
then echo "Usage: $0 files..." 1>&2 exit 1 fi if ! type giftopnm 2>/dev/null then echo "$0: conversion tool giftopnm not found " 1>&2 exit 1 fi # missing "in ..." defaults to in "$@" for f do case "$f" in *.gif) # OK, do nothing ;; *) echo "gif2png: skipping $f, not GIF" continue ;; esac dir=`dirname "$f"` base=`basename "$f" .gif` result="$dir/$base.png" giftopnm "$f" | pnmtopng > $result && echo "wrote $result" done 4. 计数 CountingA utility script to print the sub-range of integers specified by its arguments.Useful to use on the command line or from other scriptsif test $# = 1
then start=1 finish=$1 elif test $# = 2 then start=$1 finish=$2 else echo "Usage: $0 <start> <finish>" 1>&2 exit 1 fi for argument in "$@" do if echo "$argument"|egrep -v '^-?[0-9]+$' >/dev/null then echo "$0: argument '$argument' is not an integer" 1>&2 exit 1 fi done number=$start while test $number -le $finish do echo $number number=`expr $number + 1` # or number=$(($number + 1)) done 5. 字频率 Word FrequencyCount the number of time each different word occurs in the files given as arguments.sed 's/ /\n/g' "$@"| # convert to one word per line
tr A-Z a-z| # map uppercase to lower case sed "s/[^a-z']//g"| # remove all characters except a-z and ' egrep -v '^$'| # remove empty lines sort| # place words in alphabetical order uniq -c| # use uniq to count how many times each word occurs sort -n # order words in frequency of occurrance For example% cd /home/cs2041/public_html/lec/shell/examples
% ./ dracula.txt|tail 2124 it 2440 that 2486 in 2549 he 2911 a 3600 of 4448 to 4740 i 5833 and 7843 the 6. FindingSearch $PATH for the specified programsif test $# = 0
then echo "Usage $0: <program>" 1>&2 exit 1 fi for program in "$@" do program_found='' for directory in `echo "$PATH" | tr ':' ' '` do f="$directory/$program" if test -x "$f" then ls -ld "$f" program_found=1 fi done if test -z $program_found then echo "$program not found" fi done Alternative implementation using while, and a cute use of grep and ||if test $# = 0
then echo "Usage $0: <program>" 1>&2 exit 1 fi for program in "$@" do echo "$PATH"| tr ':' '\n'| while read directory do f="$directory/$program" if test -x "$f" then ls -ld "$f" fi done| egrep '.' || echo "$program not found" done And another implementation using while, and a cute use of grep and ||if test $# = 0
then echo "Usage $0: <program>" 1>&2 exit 1 fi for program in "$@" do n_path_components=`echo $PATH|tr -d -c :|wc -c` index=1 while test $index -le $n_path_components do directory=`echo "$PATH"|cut -d: -f$index` f="$directory/$program" if test -x "$f" then ls -ld "$f" program_found=1 fi index=`expr $index + 1` done test -n $program_found || echo "$program not found" done